Events > Wednesday Seminars

Evaluating Chinese Policies under Xi Jinping’s Leadership

05 Mar 2014
Prof. Chen Wen-Chia, President, Institute of Chinese Communism Studies, Taipei
Venue: ICS Seminar Room
Time: 12:00 AM


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China till now, Xi Jinping has established his authority in many areas. He has instituted several new policies such as reducing expenses at banquets and meetings, targeting 'tigers' and 'flies' in anti-corruption drives, constructing the Chinese Dream framework and so on. Xi’s leadership can be analyzed in four parts: an innovative concept of governance, a policy focus on disadvantaged groups, creating an image of caring and, an emphasis on comprehensive reform. No matter whether it is internal issues or external policies, Xi follows in the footsteps of his predecessors but tries to create innovations in order to ensure further development.

About the Speaker

Prof. Chen Wen-Chia is the President of the Institute of Chinese Communism Studies, Taipei. He will be visiting ICS as a leader of a delegation from his institute. 


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