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Joseph Needham’s investigations focused on why China did not develop the scientific method before Europe did, despite the former’s brilliant record of great inventions throughout the centuries. In this process, he identified how Confucius’ teachings were first supportive of the process of scientific enquiry, though---much later in history—its after-effects impeded a true scientific revolution in China. Meanwhile, the work of Needham and his collaborators stimulated some fascinating studies of how language influences thought, and therefore how language and cultural diversity can help in innovation and problem-solving. Finally, several Confucian concepts have been validated by modern neuroscientists (including an eminent one of Indian origin) to explain how people make economic choices and other decisions.
About the Speaker
Ravi Bhoothalingam is Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, and studied Experimental Psychology at Cambridge University, U.K. under renowned scientist and Sinologist Joseph Needham. He serves as an Independent Director on several company boards. After his last assignment as President, Oberoi Hotels, he has traveled extensively within China, Mongolia and Central Asia. His consulting practice focuses on leadership coaching and he is active in India-China business and cultural relations. Ravi is a member of the Joint Study Group for the BCIM Economic Corridor, and sits on the Editorial Boards of China Report and World Affairs. He is also Member, Court of Governors of the Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, London.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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