Events > Special Lectures/Conferences
Concept Note
The past four-five years have witnessed an impressive explosion in studies and writings looking at China and India – a clear acknowledgement that this one of the crucial relationships that will transform global dynamics and international relations. That there are several problems in the relationship is well-known – in fact the problems are what appear to occupy strategic and security oriented writings. What is less well-known, both in India and China – as also in various parts of the world, is that the relationship has also made several advances - politically, economically and culturally as well as militarily.
The oft-referred matter of mutual “perception”, or rather “misperception”, is evident in contemporary writings from divergent perspectives. We are increasingly aware of the huge gaps in our mutual understanding of the changing social, economic and cultural milieu in both countries. Indian and Chinese scholars meanwhile, who have been part of Track-2 and Track 1.5 dialogues, meet regularly at international conferences and bilateral engagements. It is now glaringly obvious that the need of the hour is to engage in a thorough and wide-ranging exchange about the state of academic studies of each other’s country.
The conference will seek to bring together scholars and experts from both countries to provide an assessment of India Studies in China and of China Studies in India, covering a range of disciplines and themes such as international relations and foreign policy, bilateral ties, modern historical studies, domestic politics, cultural and social issues, and military developments. In addition, each side will also assess views of the other country that obtain among the political elite and ordinary people and among specific communities such as businessmen. Such an exercise between academic/discourse communities of the two countries will go a long way in clarifying and explaining the underlying complexities of both countries and the lacunae in our respective scholarships.
The objective is to encourage presentations which can provide an analytical assessment (as also a factual enumeration) of the prominent/dominant and influential writings/studies/books that have emerged over the past decade (since the turn of the century) in the specified fields. These papers should also critically assess – both theoretical/conceptual and empirical - drawbacks and the gaps in understanding, leading to an identification of the areas for further research and investigation. Such an exercise will throw up the areas where joint studies and exchange of scholars and materials/information can be undertaken, where greater academic and scholarly exchange and cross-fertilization is required in order to improve mutual understanding and promote cooperative ventures more fruitfully.
To that end the following themes have been identified where two lead speakers from India and China will present papers in the framework outlined above. Typically, these should be the mid-level scholars who have emerged as significant names in these fields over the past decade. This would be followed by two discussants – ideally senior scholars from both countries - who will comment on the papers, after which there would be a general discussion.
The conference would lead to a publication of the papers in a book form.
Foreign Policy & International Relations
Bilateral Ties
Dealing with Each Other: Business & Trade
Domestic Politics
Society and Social Issues
Language & Literature
Science & Technology
Military Studies
Popular Perceptions: The Role of the Media
Religion and Culture
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