Events > Wednesday Seminars
For four decades and more, a harmonious relationship between China and the US has been the dominant force shaping the geopolitics of Asia. This talk will explore the prospects of the breakdown of the US-China relationship and its consequences for Asian geopolitics. It will look at three broad scenarios - the fragmentation of the regional order, the emergence of a Sino-Centric Asia, and the restoration of US primacy - as a means to understand the unfolding regional dynamic and its implications for India.
About the Speaker
Professor C. Raja Mohan is Director, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. His research focus is on the foreign policy of India and Asian geopolitics. He was the Henry Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy at the US Library of Congress during 2009-10, and a member of India’s National Security Board. Professor Mohan, a columnist on international affairs for the Indian Express, has published widely, and his most recent book is Modi’s World: India’s Expanding Sphere of Influence (Harper Collins, 2015). Professor Mohan can be contacted at and tweets at @MohanCRaja.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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