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Along with the economic emergence of China and India, comparative studies of China and India have become one of the most popular researched topics in the past decade – in the field of economics, politics, international relations, health, development, as well as environment and energy. As fast economic growth in China and India is increasingly driving world energy demand and carbon emissions, the comparative studies in low carbon development have also emerged in the research landscape. However, the effective comparative framework, and the convincing foundation of comparison are still under-discussed, though the data and collaborative works have become more and more affluent. This presentation will track back the development of China-India comparative research in the past 30 years, and discuss about the purpose and methodology challenges in comparing the low carbon development of the two countries. The Energy Efficiency policy will be analysed as a lens into the broader low carbon comparison.
About the Speaker
Ma Yuge is DPhil Candidate at the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford. She is now conducting her fieldwork with The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), New Delhi. Before that, she was a guest researcher with the Brookings Institution in Washington DC and Beijing (2011-2012), a GG2022 fellow (, and an Avantha International Fellow 2013 with Aspen Institute India. She is co-founder of the Oxford Juxtapose Project, which is a multi-disciplinary platform for comparative studies on contemporary China and India. Her first book Qu Yindu chengzhang (Grow Up in India) is published in China in 2013.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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