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China and India have innumerable folktales about rivers. Even when it comes to real life, water has often guided the relations China chooses to have. And in many ways, the Gods have been kind to both India and China, preventing water wars and binding them in a mutual embrace. There are strong links that tie Russia, India, and China together, and RIC could be more formidable than the BRICS association. The bear, the elephant, and the dragon could reshape history together.
About The Speaker
Mr. R.N. Bhaskar is a journalist, educationist and researcher. He has spent more than four decades in teaching and (often concurrently) over three and a half decades in journalism. He has taught at the undergraduate and post-grad levels in India and overseas, and has worked as a journalist with some of the best names -- Business India, Times of India, Indian Express, Financial Express, DVV Media of Germany, DNA, Forbes India, Firstpost, Moneycontrol, Free Press Journal. He is the author of the book Game India: Seven Strategic strengths that could steer India to wealth, published by Penguin.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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