Events > Wednesday Seminars
China's influence around the world is growing and its booming economy leading to unprecedented interaction with the outside world as trade, tourism, infrastructure and educational partners jockey for opportunities to be part of the boom. For the past four years I have lived and worked in Huizhou and Shenzhen, teaching in business schools and observing the educational and cultural norms of my host. Chinese students at PHBS, Peking University are typically seen as the 'cream of the crop', sitting at the top of the food chain yet they also seem to be acutely aware of the fragility of their new found world leader status and express concerns about economic stability and shortage of jobs. The rapid pace of change in China has the current generation straddling strong cultural norms whilst coming to terms with the new outward looking focus, facing a new and uncertain future. The focus of this presentation is about understanding some of the forces shaping Chinese thinking and behavior and what opportunities there may be for foreigners wanting to play a part in China's future.
About the Speaker
Dr Sharon Condon, Senior Lecturer, PHBS, Peking University, Shenzhen, China. She has been working at PHBS for the past three years, teaching Academic Writing and Cross Cultural Communication Skills to Masters students. Her qualifications include a PhD in Work/Life Balance and Wellbeing, Bachelors Degree with Honors and a Grad. Cert. in Tertiary Education from the Business Faculty of Griffith University in Brisbane. In addition to working at PHBS she has also taught English skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) at Huizhou City College in Huizhou, China, in a joint program with Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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