Events > Wednesday Seminars
A 29 member think tank delegation from India visited China on invitation from the Chinese embassy in India and the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) in December 2015. The delegation interacted with a number of institutions in Beijing and Shanghai over one week. A number of symposiums were organized at respective institutions - CFAU, CIIS, MFA, CICIR, Tsinghua University, SIIS and Fudan University. The topics of the symposia ranged from discussion on ‘Asia-Pacific Situation and Regional Integration’, to OBOR, ‘Asian Connectivity and Regional Integration’, 'Political and Security Situation in South Asia and Sino-Indian Relations’, ‘International Situation and Great Power relationships’, 'World Counter Terrorism Situation and Global Governance’ and ‘Asia Pacific Situation and China, US and India Trilateral Relations’. The presentation would provide some reflections by two of the delegates, on the visit from their vantage points of interest.
About the Speakers
Tshering Chonzom Bhutia is an Associate Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies. She has a PhD from the Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. Presently, she is undertaking a research project funded by ICSSR to study Indian and Chinese ethnic minority policies. She speaks and writes regularly on Sino-Tibetan issues and related themes. In January 2013, she was part of a three member delegation from India to Kathmandu to launch the initiative ‘China-India-Nepal Trilateral Cooperation’, hosted by the Nepal Institute of International and Strategic Studies in collaboration with the ICS and a number of institutions in China. Earlier, she undertook a one month study visit to Taiwan in 2007 where she attended lectures on Taiwanese culture, society, economy and polity.
Rityusha Mani Tiwary teaches Political Science in the University of Delhi. She completed her MPhil (2010) and PhD (2015) in Chinese Studies from School of International Studies, JNU. She has held fellowships at the Politics and International Studies Department at the University of Cambridge (2013), Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China (2012), Centre for Policy Analysis (2011-12) and German Institute of Global and Area Studies at Hamburg, Germany (2009). Apart from regular popular media publications on politics, she writes on international relations and political economy of East Asia. Her two forthcoming works are: "East Asian Regionalism since 1997: China's Emerging Leadership" and "A Comparative Study of Power and Leadership Discourse in South Asia and East Asia".
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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