Events > Wednesday Seminars
China has experienced exceptionally high rates of economic growth for the almost three decades following the opening of the economy in 1978. However, there remain big questions over the future trajectory of economic growth in China. Scholars have written of an imminent collapse in China where as others maintain that China faces numerous problems which may hamper economic growth in the future. They aver that China will continue to rise if it is able to surmount the challenges it currently faces. This talk attempts to open up the black box and critically analyse various facets of China’s rise and the problems facing China from a perspective of residing, working and teaching in China. Verma will examine the social, cultural, political, commercial and legal aspects among others to provide an opinion on whether China has risen or if its rise will be sustainable. He will also discuss the future of the complex and convoluted relations between the rising ‘Asian Giants’ and explore options for India.
About the Speaker
Dr. Raj Verma is Assistant Professor in International Relations and Foreign Policy at Jilin University. He is the Series Editor of ‘Routledge Series on India-China Studies’. He did his MPhil and PhD in international relations from the London School of Economics and has been Fudan Senior Fellow at Centre for BRICS Studies, Fudan University and Visiting Fellow at Centre for International Studies, LSE. He is the author of India and China in Africa: A Comparative Perspective of the Oil Industry (Routledge, 2017).
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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