Events > Special Lectures/Conferences
The BCIM Forum on Regional Cooperation, earlier known as the 'Kunming Initiative', is a 'Track II' exercise involving scholars, business leaders, tourism experts, policy experts and technical personnel', along with government officials, which aims to explore and promote cooperation between Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar, focusing on their contiguous regions. It represents the combined endeavour by the four countries to increase connectivity, culture, trade and tourism ties and people-to-people contact among them, in the border regions in particular. The BCIM project also hopes to address issues of trans-border crime, such as drug-trafficking, gun-running, illegal immigration and so on through increased inter-country cooperation and greater harmonization of border policies.
The first two rounds of the Joint Study Group (JSG) was hosted by China and Bangladesh in Kunming in 2013 and Cox’s Bazaar in 2014 respectively. The 3rd meeting of BCIM Economic Corrider joint study group was held on 24- 25 April 2017 at Grand Oberoi Hotel in Kolkata,India. Members of the JSG and representatives from various stakeholders, reserach institutes and business enterpises attended the meeting. view more
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