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The governance debate in China has many elements, including: role of the Party, economic management, science and technology development, the civil-military relationship, sub-national governance, and the domestic impulsions on foreign policy. The 1st Conference on China’s Domestic Governance explores these, the challenges and the likely future trajectory.
Subnational organization and management is vital to domestic governance. Panel I. Subnational/Local Governance in China panel examines China's reform and innovations at the provinces, county and township levels. Preserving the stability of centralised power is a top priority. Despite Deng’s 1979 reforms and opening up, plus outstanding growth over 40 years, China's economy faces new challenges. Panel II. Domestic Economy of China will examine that economic model's efficacy in managing supply, investment, debt, and excess capacity. Is it that new political impulses are impacting on business dynamism and growth? The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), completing 100 years in July 2021, is more dominant across society, politics, business, and everyday life. The CCP’s next centennial milestones are in 2035 and 2049, when its legitimacy and role will again be at the forefront, along with the country’s economic achievements and role in world affairs. Panel III. The Party in Primacy will examine the ‘historic’ adulation of Xi as the Party's ‘core’, and the ‘guiding role’ of his Thoughts for a New Era. Does that derive from strength or weakness?
Innovation is widely held as the path to China’s rejuvenation, which means that science, technology, and innovation (STI) will be crucial. Panel IV. Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation in China focuses on the governance structure, and the other likely blockages. Another key dimension is the civil-military relationship in China. In the past two decades, the PLA’s role in domestic affairs had reduced due to military reforms and trimming the PLA. Yet the PLA remains a vital element in the body politic. Panel V. New Trends in PLA and its Role in Governance focuses on the role of Central National Security Commission, PLA-Party-State Relations, ‘Dual-Support’ with the provincial/local governments and military-civil integration. China spends more on ‘stability maintenance’, via its police, internal security and surveillance, and dissidence control — than on national defense. Chinese diplomacy appears to have made a dramatic shift in recent years. Panel VI. Domestic Imperatives of China’s Foreign Policy considers the competing visions of nationalism, self-image and identity and their impact on the kind of power China is likely to become.
This conference is topical and timely. It should offer new insights for researchers and scholars. We look forward to welcoming you to the event. For further information please contact: cdg.ics@gmail.com.