Special Theme: Understanding China in a Turbulent World: Geopolitical Contestation and Cooperation.
The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) has been organizing the All India Conference of China Studies (AICCS) as a flagship event since 2006. Convened annually, in partnership with an institution where research and teaching in China Studies is being carried out, it is meant to generate interest in and strengthen research on China studies in India. The Conference showcases recent scholarship from universities and research institutions in different aspects of Chinese studies and has a particular theme each year. This year, the AICCS, in its 17th edition, was held in Manipal on 21-23 November 2024 in collaboration with the China Study Centre, Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Institution of Eminence), Manipal. The Special Theme was Understanding China in a Turbulent World: Geopolitical Contestation and Cooperation.
For the last four decades of the 20th century and up to the first decade of the 21st century, the Asian theatre was, by and large, stable. The PRC's overriding domestic and external requirement was peace and stability to pursue its domestic economic development and modernization agenda. China took full advantage of the economic globalization underway, facilitating the flow of vast quantities of foreign investment to the PRC. Its chief strategy was to 'keep a low profile' and 'not take the lead' in international affairs, enabling it to prioritize and achieve double-digit growth for nearly three decades. Even as the American policy towards China went through various twists and turns from 'containment' to 'engagement' to 'congagement,' it was a relationship marked by the clear dominance of the US, duly recognized by the PRC.
By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the PRC had climbed to the position of the third biggest economy, ranked second in forex holdings, had acquired the label of the 'manufacturing factory' of the world, and had dazzled the international gathering with its technological capabilities at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. After that, the PRC's external posture and behavior observed a shift from the 'keeping a low-profile approach' to one based on the 'striving for achievement' policy. Scholars have debated the nature and implications of the impending "power transition" and have embarked on theoretical exercises to explain the structural transformation of the world order that the "rise" of China heralded. More crucially, the United States and China now appear to be on the brink of an entirely new phase of engagement, marked by (power) competition, confrontation on a host of issues, and lessening possibilities of cooperation. This rivalry will likely shape the political, military-strategic, and economic futures of the region's other countries.
Over the past decade, China has used its growing economic strength to create interdependencies with several Asian nations, thus weakening some of these nations' political affiliations with the United States. At the same time, the regional countries worry that China's growing military forays in the East and South China Seas will constrain their sovereignty and interests. Therefore, they have sought to get the United States to re-engage in Asia. But while they want the US to counterbalance China in the region, a few of these nations are lining up alongside the United States to contain China militarily. The growing disenchantment with the BRI is another dimension, even as China has created an impressive financial support base to facilitate the BRI, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, BRICS New Development Bank, and the Silk Road Fund, including participation by China's state-owned banks.
Juxtaposed with the pandemic, the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) marked a departure from traditional politics, paving the way for a 'new era' under Xi Jinping. This development hints at China's future and has implications for the changing regional and global political landscape. What adds to this are the growing concerns over demographic challenges and slow economic growth in China.
In addition, the world is witnessing multiple theatres of regional conflicts. For instance, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, and the recently unprecedented escalation of military hostilities between the Houthis and the US in the Red Sea. There are more global risks associated with these regional wars. There is growing anxiety about whether the increasing tensions in Europe and the Middle East will snowball into a worldwide conflict.
Given this highly turbulent era due to the structural churn in world politics, the Special Theme of the 17th AICCS was Understanding China in a Turbulent World: Geopolitical Contestation and Cooperation. A host of rubrics were encompassed within this theme: China's Perceptions of the World Order and the role it seeks to exercise in this 'new era' under Xi Jinping; the new trends in foreign and security policy, which could encompass China's military modernization and force structure and its strategic partnerships; the PRC's new global initiatives, reflecting China's growing international discourse power and its resonance, especially within the Global South; the changing nuances in China's multilateral engagements and the leading role it seeks to acquire in climate change negotiations; and finally, the global governance of technology, keeping in mind science & technology innovation in China and its quest for energy security and strategic minerals.
Spread over three days, the conference featured scholars from various institutions in India and abroad and showcased a survey of recent scholarship on various facets of China over 13 sessions.
Please find below the programme and brochure of the conference.
The Mira Sinha Bhattacharjee Award, instituted by the ICS for the best paper presented by a young scholar under 40, was awarded to Subhash Bhambhu, Doctoral Scholar, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi-NCR. He received this honor for his paper titled "Monopolizing the Differential Technological Capabilities: The Case of the US Sanctions Regime against China," presented at the 17th All India Conference of China Studies.
Dr. G. Venkat Raman
Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Management Indore
Prabandh Shikhar
Rau - Pithampur Road
Indore - 453556.,
Madhya Pradesh, India.
Dr. Anand V.
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
Department of Geopolitics and International Relations
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Dr. Amrita Jash
Assistant Professor
Department of Geopolitics and International Relations (DGIR)
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
Manipal -576104, Udupi District, Karnataka, India.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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