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Download the Brochure here
17–19 NOVEMBER 2022
The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), New Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Gauhati University, Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati and the Konrad-Adenaeur-Stiftung, India Office organised the 15th All India Conference of China Studies (AICCS). The conference was held virtually from 17 to 19 November 2022. The Special Theme this year was CONNECTED GEOGRAPHIES AND CULTURAL INTERFACES.
The AICCS is the annual flagship event of the ICS and is intended to generate interest in and strengthen research on China Studies in India, by promoting active networking amongst scholars. The conference provides a platform for young scholars to present their research, and receive comments and suggestions from emerging and eminent scholars in the role of discussants. As a pan-Indian outreach initiative, the previous editions of AICCS have been held in Delhi (2006 and 2009), Jadavpur University (2010), Central University of Hyderabad (2011), Visva-Bharati University (2012 and 2021), IIM-Kozhikode (2013), Banaras Hindu University (2014), Sikkim University (2015), University of Mumbai (2016), Goa University (2017), CHRIST University (2018), O.P. Jindal Global University (2019), China Studies Centre, IIT Madras (2021).
The 15th AICCS featured scholars from over 30 institutions of India and abroad. Spread over three days, the conference showcased a survey of recent scholarship on various facets of China over 12 sessions.
On the eve of the 15th AICCS, we also hosted a conference curtain raiser titled, “CPC’s 20th Party Congress” at 5:00 PM (IST). In view of significance of this Congress and the attention that it has received – and indeed continues to receive - we invited three eminent scholars who have been long-time scholars and observers of Chinese politics and the Communist Party. They shared their assessments and insights with the participants in the 15th AICCS.
Please find the conference brochure with the final programme here.
The videos of the conference can be found here.
The Mira Sinha Bhattacharjee Award - instituted by the ICS for the best paper presented by a young scholar under the age of 40, was awarded to Ms. Cherry Hitkari, PG Intensive Advanced Diploma in Chinese Language (CF-2), Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi. She received this honor for her paper titled, “Rocking the Cradle, Ruling the World: Crafting the Ideal Citizen through Children's Songs in the People's Republic of China”, presented at the 15th All India Conference of China Studies.
Prof. Sabaree Mitra (Convenor)
Professor, CCSEAS, JNU & Honorary Fellow,
Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi.
Dr. Pahi Saikia (Co-Convenor)
Associate Professor of Political Science,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
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