Special theme: China in Maritime Domain
Date: 12-14 December 2017
The All India Conference of China Studies (AICCS) is the flagship event of the ICS, convened annually every December, with the principal objective of spreading interest in and strengthening research on China and East Asian Studies in India. Each conference has a special theme and this year’s 10th AICCS at Goa focused on “China in the Maritime Domain”. The conference, through this theme, focussed specifically on the commercial, security and diplomatic aspects of China’s engagement, regionally as well as globally, and sought to draw out political, economic and security implications and trends in Chinese foreign and security policies.
Under its 21st Century Maritime Silk Road project, that is part of its ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative – also known as the ‘one belt, one road’ initiative, China has engaged around the world in multiple projects in the field of infrastructure development and other commercial activities, together with increasingly close military and diplomatic interactions involving the PLA Navy. Goa with its location on the coast of India and its own extensive maritime history, as well as naval facilities and institutions, is an ideal location to analyze the developments and patterns of Chinese maritime activity and to explicate what these say about China’s maritime strategy and ambitions regionally and globally.
The AICCS also addressed themes related to China and East Asia besides those related to the maritime domain. It further promoted active networking among scholars and raised awareness about research and study on China in India. This has been the motivation in holding the AICCS every year in collaboration with an academic institution/university outside Delhi, ideally – but not necessarily – where research and teaching in China Studies are conducted. Nine conferences have been held so far – Delhi (2006 and 2009), Jadhavpur University (2010), Central University of Hyderabad (2011), Shantiniketan (2012), IIM-Kozhikode (2013), Benaras Hindu University (2014), Sikkim University (2015) and University of Mumbai (2016). Like previous conferences, this year too the AICCS saw enthusiastic participation from students and think-tankers as well as representatives of various military and security agencies from around the country.
Round Table | Innovation: Comparing China with the US and Europe | 17 March 2025 @ 10:30 AM IST
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