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29 Apr 2020

Covid-19 and China-US Relations: Is It the Sputnik Moment?

Prof. Da Wei

22 Apr 2020

Conversation | Impact of COVID-19 on China

Amb. Shyam Saran, Ananth Krishnan

22 Apr 2020

RM Workshop Day 3

Anandita Thakur

21 Apr 2020

RM Workshop Day 2

Anandita Thakur

15 Apr 2020

Mobility, Inequality and the Corona-Crises

Prof. Biao Xiang

08 Apr 2020

Economic Implications of COVID-19

Amita Batra

11 Mar 2020

India’s Strategic Choices to Engage China

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan

04 Mar 2020

Belt and Road from the Ground Up

Jacob Mardell

21 Feb 2020

China's Current Science, Technology and Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges

Prof. Stéphanie Balme

12 Feb 2020

Sino-Indian Competition in the Indian Ocean: The Scope for Small State Agency

Dr Pradeep Taneja

05 Feb 2020

CAA: Analyzing Media Reports, Commentaries in China

Hemant Adlakha

23 Jan 2020

Workshop on “Assessing recent initiatives to promote China studies in India”

Madhavi Thampi

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