China defines itself as a ‘unitary multi-national state’ while the Indian Constitution declares that India is a ‘Union of States’. This philosophy behind such a framing is crucial for our understanding of minorities and autonomy.
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China defines itself as a ‘unitary multi-national state’ while the Indian Constitution declares that India is a ‘Union of States’. This philosophy behind such a framing is crucial for our understanding of minorities and autonomy.
The PRC’s achievements in basic education, in comparison with most developing countries, have not been disputed. At Liberation in 1949 the literacy rate was less than twenty percent and by the turn of the century it reached eighty-five percent.
What are the key characteristics of the diplomacy of India and China? To what extent is diplomatic capacity an issue in the management of a country’s foreign policy?
The first and foremost linkage between the need for philanthropy in both countries comes from the scenarios of underdevelopment in both countries. Even as the most populous nations are set to compete with each other over development and population indices
The ‘Agrarian Question’ in China is still in a process of unfolding after undergoing two major transitions one in the middle of the twentieth century (socialization) and another in the early 1980s (reforms).
Several scholars have commented on the content and process of reform as encompassing both developed and developing countries and acknowledge that it is a global process informed by the principles of new public management (NPM).
As Asia’s two most important powers and as neighbours, relations between China and India at their borders are just as important as their bilateral relations in other dimensions.
The BCIM is an activity that is manifestly consistent with India’s Look-East Policy (LEP) and also with the long-term demand of India’s North Eastern Region (NER) for the opening of trade, connectivity and people-to-people contacts...
The Chinese manufacturing industry played a dynamic role in expanding limits of its geoeconomics. The trade relations and the economics behind it proved crucial to ascertain China’s global rise.
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