The emerging trends in Chinese investments in Bangladesh need to be analysed in the context of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) as a whole.
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The emerging trends in Chinese investments in Bangladesh need to be analysed in the context of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) as a whole.
The elections in Nepal on 10 April 2008 that had led to the setting up of the Constituent Assembly, had mandated that a new constitution be drafted within two years.
Even as the debate on whether India and Japan are on the cusp of entering into a substantial strategic partnership goes on, the long wait appears to be over - almost - insofar as Indo-Japanese economic relations are concerned.
On 16 April, the Information Office of the State Council of People’s Republic of China released the 2013 Defense White Paper (WP) – the eighth since 1998, when it started publishing bi-annual reports.
Dissent and opposition on the Tibetan plateau has surfaced prominently from time to time since the late 1950s – but has taken a serious turn in the form of the ‘self-immolations’ since 2009.
The recent economic slowdown in China has evoked mixed reactions. Those who see China’s rise as a threat to the current order are relieved.
A close examination of the US-China dynamic would help the Indian discourse communities address the „power‟ factor in great power relationships from a variety of perspectives.
Chinese reactions/responses to India‟s testing of Agni-V have been multifaceted.
The ides of March in China saw the dismissal of Bo Xilai, Party Secretary of Chongqing, one of China’s four major city-level provinces.
India’s response to the ‘rise’ of China in the IOR could greatly benefit from the insights from International Relations (IR) theories of realism and social constructivism.
The 15th round of SR-level talks between India and China scheduled for 28-29 November 2011 in New Delhi were postponed just two days before they were to be held.
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