People > Visieno Kiso


Visieno Kiso is a research scholar at the Centre of East Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Japanese Studies on the topic “Projection of Japan’s Soft Power through the Channels of Cultural Diplomacy and Nation Branding: “Cool Japan Initiative” in South Korea, 1990-2018”. She has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Delhi University and a Master’s degree in East Asian Studies from Delhi University. She worked on the topic “Role of Japanese Print Media in covering the Triple Disaster: A Case Study of Fukushima Incident; 2011- 2016” for her M.Phil. dissertation. She has a keen interest in the intersections between Japanese pop culture, society and mass media.

Japanese Pop Culture’s Response to COVID-19: Embracing Digitalization and Hybridization.
11 Dec 2023

Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the Japanese arts, cultural, and creative industries, leading to the closure of cultural institutions and the cancellation of cultural-related events and performances.

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