People > Ramya Kannan


Ramya Kannan was a Research Intern at the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Delhi. She is pursuing her Integrated M.A. in Development Studies from IIT Madras. Her research interests include urbanization, migration and sustainability. She is also interested to study regional cooperation in Asia, human rights issues, and climate change and its effects on conflict situations. 

Emerging Cities of Amaravati and Xiong’an: Redefining Urbanization?
25 Dec 2018

This paper presents an analysis of Amaravati and Xiong’an, two ambitious projects led by strong political motives which have managed to gain traction based on their claims of people-centric urbanization.


Areas of interest

Regional cooperation in Asia, human rights issues, and climate change and its effects on conflict situations.


Past Positions

    Research Intern at ICS

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