People > Namkha Tsering


Namkha Tsering has completed his M.Phil. in Center for East Asian Studies, Chinese Division, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He did his graduation and post-graduation in history from Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University respectively before taking up Chinese studies for his M.Phil. His M.Phil. dissertation is titled “Minority Nationalities and the Statist Narrative on Tibet in History Textbooks: A Study of ‘Chinese’ Nationalism during the 2008 Beijing Olympics”. The dissertation discusses how the Chinese state has constructed ‘China’ and ‘Chinese’ through history writing to serve its nation-building project but at the same time leading to a‘historiographical colonization’ of the ‘minorities’through owning their history and limiting their representation space. Namkha is interested in history theory in particular and social science theories in general. Few of his areas of interest are Modern Chinese history, Chinese nationalism, nation-building, identity creation, ethnic-relations in China, history education and nation-building etc.


Areas of interest

Modern Chinese history, Chinese nationalism, nation-building, identity creation, ethnic-relations in China, history education and nation-building etc.


Past Positions

    Research Assistant, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi.

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