People > Meghanjalli Routh


Meghanjalli Routh has completed her Masters in Financial Economics from Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics, Pune. Her interest in the subject surged from her under graduation in Economics from the University of Delhi. She worked on Studying Private Equity Investments and other forms of Investment traction in India from China last summer under the mentorship of Dr. Aravind Yelery. Simultaneously, she also worked on Women Employment in India & China under the guidance of Dr. Ashwini Deshpande. With exposure to vast areas of research, she is back with Institute of Chinese Studies for her second tenure after her Post Graduation to continue the research where it was left. She was also a LEADearth Fellow with TERI – The Energy and Resources Institute from Octover 2014 to September 2015 when she implemented a Sustainability Project. Her interest areas are in Strategic Finance, Monetary Economics, Private Equity and Development Economics. 



Current Positions

    • Research Intern, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS)


    • M.Sc in Financial Economics, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune Maharsahtra, India (2014-16)
    • B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (2012)

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