People > Gunjan Singh


Gunjan Singh was a Research Associate at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi. She has also worked as an Associate Fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi. Her research interests include Chinese Foreign Policy, the Chinese Communist Party, Minorities in China, Mainland-Taiwan Relations, Chinese media, Chinese civil society Tibet and Space Security. She is the Assistant Editor of the CBW Magazine, published by the IDSA, is co-editor of Space Security and Global Cooperation, and has published in Strategic Analysis, International Affairs Review, Harvard Asia Quarterly, World Affairs: A Journal of International Issues and The Book Review.

लोकसंख्या नियंत्रणामुळे चीन वृद्धत्वाकडे
30 May 2019

लोकसंख्या नियंत्रणासाठी चीनने १९७९ साली एक अपत्य धोरण स्वीकारले. पण आज या धोरणामुळे चीन श्रीमंत होण्यापूर्वीच वृद्ध होण्याची शक्यता आहे.

Discussion on US-China Trade War and its Impact on Asia
25 May 2019

A discussion on US-China trade war and its impact on Asia and India.

Recent Trends in China's Population Policy and its Implications for the Chinese Economy
22 May 2019

The Chinese government adopted the one child policy in 1979 with the aim of controlling the population increase and improving the living conditions of the people.

बीआरआयचे काय होणार?
08 May 2019

नुकत्याच झालेल्या ‘बेल्ट अँड रोड’ परिषदेच्या पृष्ठभूमीवर चीनची महत्त्वाकांक्षा, भारताची भूमिका आणि चीनचे धोरण यांचा घेतलेला परामर्श

The Second Belt and Road Forum
06 May 2019

The second Belt and Road Forum (BRF) was held in Beijing from April 25-27, 2019.

Does Data Tell everything about Tibet?
26 Apr 2019

Under Xi Jinping the heavy handedness of the Chinese government has consistently increased in Tibet.

तिबेटचं सत्य
24 Apr 2019

तिबेटमध्ये चीनचा वाढता हस्तक्षेप तिबेटी लोकजीवन व धर्मासोबतच तिथल्या लोकांच्या अभिव्यक्ती व स्थानिक संस्कृतीदेखील दडपशाहीच्या छायेत आहे.

National People's Congress 2019: Major Takeaways
13 Mar 2019

The NPC, regarded as the rubber stamp Chinese Parliament, started its annual session on March 5. It appears to be a solemn affair as the government acknowledged that the Chinese economy faced many challenges.

Did the Second Trump-Kim Meeting in Vietnam Achieve Anything?
11 Mar 2019

The second meeting between the United States (US) President, Donald Trump and North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un in Vietnam during February 27-28, 2019 has garnered more attention from...

ट्रम्प-किम: भेटी झाल्या, फलित काय ?
08 Mar 2019

डॉनल्ड ट्रम्प आणि किम जाँग-उन यांच्या नुकत्याच संपन्न झालेल्या भेटीच्या जागतिक राजकारणावरील संभाव्य परिणामांची चर्चा करणारा लेख.

चीन आणि उत्तर कोरिया संबंधांची दिशा
25 Feb 2019

सर्वात जवळचा असा साथी असलेल्या उत्तर कोरियासोबत चीनचे संबंध गेल्या काही वर्षांत संबंध ताणले गेल्याचे दिसून येते आहे. याची कारणमीमांसा आणि पडसाद यांची चर्चा करणारा लेख |

चीनची दादागिरी, असहाय तैवान
05 Feb 2019

जागतिक महासत्ता बनलेला चीन आणि तैवान यांच्यातील राजनैतिक संबंधांची गुंतागुंत अधिकाधिक जटील होते आहे. या संबंधांवर झोत टाकणारा गुंजन सिंह यांचा लेख.

The Question of Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula: Where is it Heading?
31 Jan 2019

The New Year started with renewed debates and discussions on the progress and direction of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Book Review: China’s India War: Collision Course on the Roof of the World, Bertil Lintner (OUP, 2017)
30 Jan 2019

Indian Foreign Affairs Journal Vol. 13, No.3, July-September, 2018

China calls for Taiwanese Reunification
10 Jan 2019

January 1 marked the 40th anniversary of ‘message to compatriots in Taiwan’ which was issued by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on January 1, 1979.

India, Maldives warm their bilateral relationship
21 Dec 2018

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, the newly elected president of Maldives, on Tuesday concluded a three-day visit to India.

Chinese Perspective on Indo-Pacific
17 Dec 2018

Ever since the term Indo-Pacific has been coined, the Chinese have vehemently argued that its primary aim is to counter and limit China’s development aspirations.

China’s `Mass Incidents’: Declining Numbers or Hidden Data?
26 Nov 2018

After recording a series of rising incidence of mass protests in China, the Ministry of Public Security (PBS) stopped publishing the data from 2011.

China and India: a clash of influences?
21 Nov 2018

Over the last few months, the international media have presented a new battle with public opinion: the clash of influence between Beijing and New Delhi in the neighboring States of India.

Public Call for Independence - What it Means for Taiwan
15 Nov 2018

Whether DPP or Kuomintang (KMT) gains majority during the upcoming elections, the question remains how far Taiwan can actually move away from China.

Bhutan in search of ‘new friends’; China may be interested
14 Nov 2018

Bhutan is aware that Chinese friendship comes with strings attached.

Book Review: Miller, T., China’s Asian Dream-Empire Building Along the New Silk Road
14 Nov 2018

Book Review of Miller, T., China’s Asian Dream-Empire Building Along the New Silk Road

It is India vs China amid upheaval in Sri Lankan politics
01 Nov 2018

The recent political turmoil in Sri Lanka brings to the surface the debate on domestic issues vis-à-vis South Asian geopolitics.

Chinese Reform and Opening up at Forty: Achievements and Challenges!
31 Oct 2018

2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up policy, which was introduced under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping and was described by him as China’s ‘second revolution’.

Book Review: Jeanne-Marie Gescher. Becoming China: The Story Behind the State
19 Oct 2018

Book Review of Jeanne-Marie Gescher. Becoming China: The Story Behind the State, published in the journal called Asian Affairs.

Tightrope walk for incoming Maldivian president
03 Oct 2018

After the election there seems to be a shift from a pro-Chinese government to one that will favor India

The Evolution of China-North Korea Relations under Xi Jinping
01 Oct 2018

North Korea has regarded China as its most natural ally and supporter since the Korean War. The relationship had begun to show signs of strain after the continued nuclear tests by North Korea...

Belt and Road Initiative: Recent Trends
28 Sep 2018

BRI seeks to provide the developing economies with new channels and opportunities for growing and also aims to give them more access to newer markets. However, the security and strategic dimensions of the BRI cannot be overlooked.

Nepal’s shift from India to China: Will it work?
20 Sep 2018

Nepal was one of the first countries to welcome the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

China’s Belt and Road Initiative loses shine in South Asia
06 Sep 2018

In 2013 the Chinese government under President Xi Jinping announced a grand economic and infrastructure project, now known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Taiwan's China Dilemma
04 Sep 2018

The rise of China to an economic and military power has had the most significant effect on its relationship with Taiwan.


Areas of interest

Chinese Foreign Policy, the Chinese Communist Party, Minorities in China, Mainland-Taiwan Relations, Chinese media, Chinese civil society Tibet and Space Security


Past Positions

    Former Research Associate, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi.

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