People > Akshat Mayne
Akshat Mayne is a Research Assistant at the Institute of Chinese Studies, and a doctoral scholar in Japanese Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi He holds a Master's degree in East Asian Studies, with a specialisation in Japanese Studies, from the University of Delhi. His research looks at Japan's place in the broader East Asian international order. His research interests include Japanese domestic politics, security and foreign policy in the post war era, and the emerging dynamics between various players in the region, especially Japan and Taiwan. Beyond this, he is also interested in the historical interactions, and political and cultural exchanges between Japan and other East Asian states.
The rise of Japan, in the aftermath of World War II, from a catastrophically devastated and vanquished land to an advanced nation needs to be understood in the context of a series of domestic and international developments.
Japanese domestic politics, Japanese foreign and security policies, Taiwanese domestic politics and foreign policy, historical relations between East Asian states
Research Assistant, Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi
Research Intern, Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi
MA in East Asian Studies (Specialisation in Japanese Studies), Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi; BA (Hons.) in English, Hansraj College, University of Delhi
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