Webinar details and guidelines
To receive login details for the Zoom Webinar, please register for the event here. ICS will share the login details with only registered participants latest by the evening of 9th June. The registration form will close at Tuesday, 9th June at 9 P.M.
It is advisable to download the Zoom application available on your desktops, laptops, mobile, or tablet for easy usage. However, one can also use Zoom online through a browser. Participants are required to enter their names while joining the meeting for ease of interaction during discussions. After joining the Zoom meeting, participants will be guided through a screen in which they will grant access to Device Audio and Video. Some toggling for permissions may be required via the software window.
The meeting room will be open to participants 3:30 PM onwards, with the seminar formally starting at 4:00 PM. The webinar will also be live streamed on ICS's Youtube Channel, linked here.
To pose questions to the speaker, participants are requested to use the "Raise Hand" feature in Zoom, or use the "Chat" option to message the question to the host privately. The moderator will call on individuals for questions after her initial conversation with the speaker. Given time constraints, participants are requested to keep their questions clear and brief.
Please note that limited number of seats are available in the Zoom meeting room, and you are hence requested to join the webinar as soon after 3:30 PM as possible.